Well folks I am officially 20 weeks. I am half way through this pregnancy. I can not believe how fast it has gone. I guess having 2 other kids running around helps make time go by faster. I sure am trying to enjoy every minute of it. I know soon enough it will be over and I will be tending to 3. Whew! I am feeling pretty good 90% of the time. The only problem I seem to be having is cravings. I am craving all things bad for you. Like Coke, candy bars, and cookies. I have little to no self control. I think I could go for a McDonalds Coke IV. It taste so good. Maybe the baby is craving High Fructose Corn Syrup. Bad Baby making mommy eat like that.
Makenna got a new Veggie Tale movie called "Sweet Pea Beauty" and "Snoodlerella". It is a spin off of Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty with a Christian story line. She loves them. I think it is great because both stories tell of how God sees our beauty on the inside not just the outside. I want Makenna to know her Heavenly Father made her just he way she is and that she is beautiful regardless of whether her hair is fixed or her clothes match. In fact she wanted to dress her hair like Snoodlerella. She thought she looked beautiful. When I see he smile like that I see all her inner beauty.

I also have been trying to hide God's word in her heart throughout activities we do. She loves to read books so we do a book at least once a week called "My ABC Bible Verses" by Susan Hunt. It is a great book with a Bible verse for every letter of the alphabet and a story to go with it. We have made it all the way from A-V so far and I am so shocked at how easy it was for her to learn the verses. She cannot remember the location of each but when we have issues that arise we can recite a verse that helps us remember to treat others kindly or respect your parents.
We also listen to CD that I bought off line called "Seeds". They are scripture verses put to music with the verse location as part of the song. You do not know how my heart melts to she her singing scripture. God is good.