I have wanted to blog so bad lately. To update you all our changes but with a new baby and lack of sleep, blogging was last on my list. I am feeling a little more alert lately so I wanted to give you an update on our new joy.
After much begging, I was scheduled to be induced on Jan 18 at 7 am. Chris and I dropped Maddax and Makenna off at Aunt Sherries the night before to stay with Nana the next day while we went to the hospital. We returned home that night to straighten up the house and so I could repack my bag for the 4th and final time. I had contractions all night long but nothing more than I had had before so I just ignored them. The next morning Chris and I met my sister at the hospital. I was still having contractions but there was so pattern to them so I just continued to ignore them. I was admitted at 7:15 am and then hooked up to the monitors. I told my nurse, Erin who was amazing, that I was having contractions most of the night and continuing to have them at that present time. She said I may be in early labor. Sure enough I was and my induction turned into no induction at all. I did it on my own. The contractions started to come more regular and more painful. I had gone natural with Maddax but was really on the fence with this pregnancy. I was thinking about to asking for some Staydol when my water broke at 10:18 am. I knew I was not going to have time to get any drugs even if I wanted them. My doc was paged in surgery because I changed from 6 to 9 cm in less than 30 min. I told the nurses that I needed to push and they said go right ahead. Just then Dr. Basham walked in the door. I said, "Thank you Jesus." One push later at 10:53 am Emerson Ansley was born. Wow what a rush. It turned out to be less painful than Maddax and I was so glad I went natural again.

Aunt Sherrie

Super daddy
She was perfect. weighing in at 7lbs and 13.9 oz and 21 1/2 in long. They put her right on my chest. The hospital had started a new program called Kangaroo Care and I was the first patient that my nurse got to implement it with. They put the baby on your chest right after birth before even weighing. The baby stays there for at least the first hour of life. It is to help with nursing and bonding, as well as keeping the babies temp up better than the heating light. I loved it and was so glad to be able to experience it.
Emme had a couple of episodes of choking after birth but since she was in the birth canal for 1.2 seconds, she did not have enough time to have all the amniotic fluid expelled from her lungs. After a few days she stopped doing it but boy did it make me nervous.
We came home and all was going well. She was eating every 3 hours and sleeping great. At her peds check up she was 8.1 pounds, up from her discharge weight of 7.6 pounds. Then it was time for Nana to go home. I was sad even before she left. I knew all along at some point she would go home, but time went way too fast. Chris stepped up and took off work for the next week to help me over the hump. I am so lucky to have him for a husband. God has blessed me with not a perfect man but one who is willing to try.

Then Emme started changing her nursing patterns. She started spitting up alot and gagging and choking with nursing. It mimicked alot of Maddax eating pattern but not to the point of reflux. That is when my third angel stepped in. Not only the best labor coach ever but the best sister ever. She had helped me with nursing Maddax and Makenna through reflux, colic, and tongue tied babies. We brain stormed and I researched and found alot of info on overactive let down and over abundance of milk supply. I quickly implemented the techniques and Emme started to improve. I went ahead and made an appt with the lactation nurse at the hospital. She was wonderful. Very compassionate and had even experienced the same problem with her son who weaned himself at 4 months. She did not want that to happen to me so she offered much encouragement and ideas to treat the issue. She also checked to see if Emme was taking in enough milk. She pre weighed her at 9 pounds and 3 ounces and then reweighed her after nursing about 10-15 minutes. This little girl took in 3 1/2 ounces of milk. The nurse said ,"Oh my." I was confused. She said most babies her age take in about 2 ounces and that Emme probably takes in as much as 5 ounces when my let down comes in too fast. Oh my was right. No wonder she was spitting up. She was as full as a tick.
Since then, Emme is much better and eating well. I am not seeing the signs I had with Maddax and Makenna and I praise God for that. He has made me stronger than I ever thought possible and given me people along the way to help me when I felt hopeless; from my mom, sister, husband , and lactaion nurse. I know he was there holding my hand all the way while they held the other hand.
Each day is better and brighter. I am sure there will be days that are rougher than others but I had those before Emme was ever born. God is refining me into the child he wants me to be. I am learning to let the small things go and address the most important, my family. I am so blessed with a beautiful, wonderful family. I do not want to miss out on the second most important thing God has given me, my family. The first is His Son Jesus.