Yesterday, my two kiddos and I ventured to Elizabethtown to meet with a friend and her rug rats to celebrate "late Christmas". We arrived at our destination an hour and 10 minutes after leaving our house. Maddax who usually sleeps after 10 minutes in a car anywhere, found Makenna too distracting with her Leapster and decided to ditch the nap. YEAH!!! The last leg of the journey Makenna kept asking, "Where is the E-town house?" No matter how hard I tried she could not grasp the concept of the city Elizabethtown so I distracted her with phonograms. She loves phonograms. Of course we have only mastered 4 so far but slow and steady wins the race and hey she is only 4.
We arrived at Chic Fil A and awaited the arrival of friends inside. Even with 2 kiddos I am still a germ-a-fob, so I packed Maddax's booster seat into the restaurant along with 2 kids and a diaper bag. Our friends, the Jones, finally arrived and we exchanged gifts and hugs but not in that order. Kenna received an awesome pink backpack with her name on it for her Leapster. She was so excited as was I. I love monogrammed items. In fact I was given an apron with my initials on it in green and black to match my kitchen. LOVE IT!!!
The kids dissected their lunches for awhile and then hit up the play area. Makenna is sort of anxious when kids enter her 3 foot space so she perseverated on returning to me and asking, "Where is Hudson? Please make him hold my hand?" After multiple pleas to this 4 year old little boy Hudson took her by the hand and lead her into fun. All was well. Amber and I caught up on the latest issues in each others lives while the kids played and Maddax ate and ate and ate.
It was time to rally up so I handed my full little man to Amber so I could clean up his seat and reload the diaper bag. All at once Amber opened the door ande screamed come her. Makenna in her hurriedness ran toward the step and what she missed with her foot she hit with her face. Blood from her mouth, tooth, and nose as well as tears from her eyes. Immediately felt her tooth, tight. Thank you God. Amber ran to get ice witch turned out to be futile because Kenna did not want that ice but the ice that was 1 hour and 10 minutes away in my freezer. Wiping away tears and blood she looked to me and said, "why did that person have to smack me?" I was confused at first but remembered Amber saying she smacked the step with her face. I chuckled inside and reassured her that no one smacked my little princess but that an error in judgement caused this collision. When she finally calmed down I noticed the left side of her nose was swollen and she had what we called as a kid, "Bubba Lip."

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