August is in full swing as is evident by the smokin hot days. We are trying to stay cool by doing indoor activities like the Aquarium, but needing some less expensive ideas. My sister has taken my kids to the Library in Louisville several times and they both love it. Makenna usually picks out about 50 books and then Aunt Sherrie makes her choose just 20 to check out to bring home. She loves getting the new books and having them read to her. So I finally decided to venture to the library here in town, of course with Chris in tow for the first excursion. Makenna loved it. She could not wait to pick out all the books she could read to me.

We have been working on her reading skills over the summer and she is reading the pre-level 1 books pretty independently. She gets so excited when she can get through a entire book without having to ask what a word is. I get pretty excited too. It encourages her to be independent. Maddax on the other hand would have been excited too if daddy did not have him strapped to the stroller for fear he might touch a book. Last time I checked books were to be touched in a library, especially in the childrens section. I eventually rescued him and he enjoyed the wooden puzzles. He was even more enticed by the tree on the wall with movable parts.
We eventually moved to the front of the kids library section to pick out a few movies, Signing Time and Veggie Tales. There was a train set on a table the kids played with while I movie hunted. A few other children walked up and wanted to play to. I was so excited to see Makenna actively sharing without being probed to do so. She earned 3 stars that day.
Maddax has been displaying a thrust toward independence with eating lately. He wants to do it himself or not at all. So I went with it. And by George he was able to feed himself bananas with a fork. I was so proud of him. He beamed all over with each successful arrival of banana in his mouth.
On a pregnancy note, I will be 16 weeks tomorrow and feeling great. Had a check up earlier this week with a very vigorous baby on the Doppler. The Doc said see ya in 3 weeks for your ultrasound. I about fell over. My OB with the last 2 made me wait till 20 weeks but this one said he does them at 18. I was well on board with that. I had initially not wanted to find out given that I have one of each but after Chris was determined to find out and then per his words, "torture me" with said information, I decided to find out as well. So Aug 24 is the day. Praying for a healthy butter bean.