Tuesday, August 24, 2010

IT'S A ......BABY

I woke before the alarm this morning anxious about the ultrasound. I was excited to see my little butter bean but constantly praying for just a healthy baby. It is like the more you have the more you worry of what could be wrong.  My fears were quickly put to rest as the ultrasound tech showed me each part and that IT was healthy.  I thought that I would not be as excited with this one as with my first or second. But it is like the first every time.  They initially would not let the kids come in so Chris had to stay in the waiting room with them until she did all the anatomy scans of the BABY.


Then it was time to find out.  She went and retrieved my family and brought them back. Makenna was scared that the wand was hurting my belly and Maddax just wanted me to hold him.  She found the bottom and asked if we could tell what it was.  Chris remained quiet.  Not sure if it was shock or fear. I blurted out....GIRL.

Makenna was so excited. She told the tech how she was going to get a loft bed and the baby would sleep under her bed and at night she could lean over the side and talk to her.  Makenna then asked, "Does this mean we have to return Maddax to the hospital?" I reassured her we were allowed to keep them both. The tech continued to show us profiles of our little girl sucking her thumb and sticking her hands behind her back.  Makenna said, "Look monnie she has a bow in her hair and it is pink." So cute she is.

We decide to let Makenna name her. No we have not lost our mind.  She knew all along it was a girl.  After the initial scare was over we told Makenna that mommy was going to have another baby. Her response was so matter of fact. "Yes monnie I know.  It is a girl. She will sleep in my room. And her name is Emme."(Not sure how we are going to spell that yet. It maybe Emi)  Chris and I both loved the name so we decided to go with it. The official name of our daughter is Emerson Ansley Morris. She will be arriving on or about Jan 23, 2011.  She currently weighs 9 oz.  We are so excited and richly blessed.

Psalm 139: 13 "For you formed my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother's womb."

Thank you Lord. You just keep on knitting.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Yard Sale Hunt

I have been wanting to hit up a few yard sales all summer but I work Fridays and Saturdays and have been unable to do so. However, today I was off work and went a hunting.  I woke at 6 AM with the hunger to find some good bargains. What I started out with was rain, rain, and some more rain. I was not about to be beaten by a little a lot of water.

There was a sign in town that said there was a local yard sale with Maternity clothes. That was my first stop. I think they succumbed to the rain. It was no where to be found.  I perservered and just followed the signs and the newspaper with help from mom as pilot and Tom Tom as navigator.

Ended up with some really good buys.  Maddax got some cool cloth blocks that nest and new boots for winter.

He usually has on pants. Promise!!!

Makenna got shrinky dinks and level one reading books.  She could not wait to start reading them. I picked up a few more things for her but hid them for later.

Sadly, I did not find any maternity clothes. So back to ebay and consignment sales I will go.  Wish me luck.
 A side note. My little man loves to play the piano.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Library and Bananas

August is in full swing as is evident by the smokin hot days. We are trying to stay cool by doing indoor activities like the Aquarium, but needing some less expensive ideas. My sister has taken my kids to the Library in Louisville several times and they both love it. Makenna usually picks out about 50 books and then Aunt Sherrie makes her choose just 20 to check out to bring home. She loves getting the new books and having them read to her. So I finally decided to venture to the library here in town, of course with Chris in tow for the first excursion. Makenna loved it.  She could not wait to pick out all the books she could read to me.

We have been working on her reading skills over the summer and she is reading the pre-level 1 books pretty independently. She gets so excited when she can get through a entire book without having to ask what a word is. I get pretty excited too. It encourages her to be independent.  Maddax on the other hand would have been excited too if daddy did not have him strapped to the stroller for fear he might touch a book. Last time I checked books were to be touched in a library, especially in the childrens section. I eventually rescued him and he enjoyed the wooden puzzles.  He was even more enticed by the tree on the wall with movable parts.

We eventually moved to the front of the kids library section to pick out a few movies, Signing Time and Veggie Tales.  There was a train set on a table the kids played with while I movie hunted.  A few other children walked up and wanted to play to.  I was so excited to see Makenna actively sharing without being probed to do so. She earned 3 stars that day.

Maddax has been displaying a thrust toward independence with eating lately. He wants to do it himself or not at all. So I went with it. And by George he was able to feed himself bananas with a fork. I was so proud of him. He beamed all over with each successful arrival of banana in his mouth.

On a pregnancy note, I will be 16 weeks tomorrow and feeling great. Had a check up earlier this week with a very vigorous baby on the Doppler. The Doc said see ya in 3 weeks for your ultrasound. I about fell over. My OB with the last 2 made me wait till 20 weeks but this one said he does them at 18. I was well on board with that.  I had initially not wanted to find out given that I have one of each but after Chris was determined to find out and then per his words, "torture me" with said information, I decided to find out as well. So Aug 24 is the day. Praying for a healthy butter bean.