I have been wanting to hit up a few yard sales all summer but I work Fridays and Saturdays and have been unable to do so. However, today I was off work and went a hunting. I woke at 6 AM with the hunger to find some good bargains. What I started out with was rain, rain, and some more rain. I was not about to be beaten by a
little a lot of water.
There was a sign in town that said there was a local yard sale with Maternity clothes. That was my first stop. I think they succumbed to the rain. It was no where to be found. I perservered and just followed the signs and the newspaper with help from mom as pilot and Tom Tom as navigator.
Ended up with some really good buys. Maddax got some cool cloth blocks that nest and new boots for winter.

He usually has on pants. Promise!!!
Makenna got shrinky dinks and level one reading books. She could not wait to start reading them. I picked up a few more things for her but hid them for later.
Sadly, I did not find any maternity clothes. So back to ebay and consignment sales I will go. Wish me luck.

A side note. My little man loves to play the piano.
Loved the vedio of Maddax playing the piano. This is just a little taste of what he will be doing in a few years. Really think he has the talent for piano playing. He keeps the beat so well. Nana