Tuesday, May 3, 2011

So tired

Well I never officially made it out of my pajamas today. I did change shirts once due to a spit up episode but returned to my original shirt since Emme was in the closet napping. I do not think I stink and Chris is at work so it really does not matter. Right? So much keeps me busy throughout the day that by the time I get a chance to change clothes it is time for bed.  Plus my thyroid has been a little haywire since Emme's birth so I am going from Taz to Sloth as they try to get it regulated again. Lately I have been extra tired. My meds were upped a few days ago and I am looking forward to that extra burst of energy it will bring. Soon I hope.

We have been trying to catch up on school stuff since the new baby rocked our world for a few months. So Makenna has been doing extra grammar and penmanship in the day and tonight we knocked out 4 math lessons. Its not like we have to get them done since by law she does not have to be in school yet but we are trying to get kindergarten done so we can start the first grade curriculum in August. She is so looking forward to it, as am I once I figure it all out. I am so glad for the most part that she loves school. I know she does way more than I did. I try to make it fun for her so that she wants to learn. The math we are doing is Saxon and it uses all kinds of fun toys to learn like tanagrams, linking cubes, and geoboards to name a few. I probably would have liked school more if I had those to learn with.

We finally found Emme's neck today. It did not stay around for long but at least now we know it exists. She is laughing more and loves to be talked to. I am so psyched for my mom to see her and squeeze her. Only 6 more weeks.  The red cast to her hair is becoming more pronounced as it grows out. Chris keeps asking where she gets it. I told him that my brother and an aunt had red in their hair. He is still not buying it.

By the way...I am going to be an aunt again.  My sister is pregnant and due in November. I am so excited for her and that Emme will have a cousin about the same age. I hope I can offer her as much help as she has given me over the past five years.

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