Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I love being a mommy

Well I turned a whopping 34 on Sunday and enjoyed every minute of it. Spent the day with family. You know those people you would have never been friends with had you not been genetically tied to them. Just Joking. I could not have asked God to give me a better family. I am so blessed to have a sister that I am extremely close with and that we are "like minded" with our parenting. So I give her the go ahead to treat mine like hers and vice versa. It is all good.

The best part of my birthday was being with my loving husband and kids. I told Chris that I would like to be in more pics with the kids so that when they look at their scrapbooks they do not wonder where I was. (Behind the camera) So needless to say Chris went Crazy taking pics when we ate lunch at Macaroni Grill (YUMMY).

I will spare you the one of my hilarious brother-in-law trying to sing happy Birthday to me in Italian like the waitress did. He and I go way back on acting like fools in restaurants. If you ever see my sister ask her about Red Lobster.
Sorry for the tangent, back to my kids. I love being a mom. I see my kids faces light up when they see me in the morning and that just makes my day. I am experiencing so many new things with Maddax that I missed with Makenna since I worked so much when she was a baby. I cherish all these silly moments that some may take for granted. I thank the Lord for providing a way for me to stay at home with my kids. I know that they and I benefit from this new position I have taken in the home. I try to capture some special moments that my kids stumble upon to have for years to come. I hope that they will always love each other this much.

I caught Maddax red-handed playing with Makennas princesses.

Maddax never seems to amaze me with the places he will end up in when I turn my head for a minute. He is such a little investigator in our home.

I feel so much less stress being home more and working less. Chris said he actually likes me better now. Silly boy. I like me better now too. Maybe God will bless us with more kiddos. Maybe a quiver full (that is 10). I could be a mini Dugger Family. HEE HEE.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Melissa! You do make a great Mommy. I never noticed how much you and Maddax looked so alike. Maybe because I have never seen you in a picture with him before. Great job Chris. He is such a cute little boy.
    Have a great year Melissa!!! and know you are loved.
