Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Your sleep will be sweet....

For those of you who know me well you know that my little munchkin Makenna has been struggling with night terrors since she was 18 months of age.  They would vary in severity from lasting 10 minutes to hours on end.  The worst ones seems to follow huge changes in our family's life. 

We had recently moved to Oldham county and soon followed the birth of Maddax when she woke one night screaming that she was being chased by none other than ducks.  We had been out feeding ducks earlier that day and that is what her mind decided to resort back to.  I kid you not that it lasted over 4 hours.  I being sleep deprived from nursing Maddax through the night handled it all wrong.  I tried to wake her up and the more scared she got the angrier I got.  I tried rocking her, reassuring her, holding her, but nothing worked. Nana and daddy were there and were eagerly trying to help. Everytime I pur her down she would take off running and screaming down the hall that the ducks were chasing her and trying to bite her.  My mother finally came up with the idea to turn on a movie to try to redirect her thinking.  It worked. We watched Cowboy Elmo at least 4 times beofre she fell asleep.  Generally she does not recall any of her night terrors but this one she did and in the morning she remembered the ducks.  When she went to get up off the couch and her gown touched her leg, she screamed and jumped back on the couch.  It was her nightgown that kept precipitating the night terror.  She thought the touching of her gown was the ducks pecking her leg. 

We thought we had knocked this one only to have another that evening about a butterfly on her ear.  She was terrified about this butterfly and woke up screaming for hours again.  Our savior agian was Elmo.  We found out agian that it was her hair tickling her ear.  So that night we pulled her hair up and she wore pants.  She continued to have night terrors  about 2-3 times a week until we finally moved into our house in August.  Then they dropped to 1-2 times a week and were less severe.  This poor child had bags under her eyes from lack of sleep.  She would not nap in the day and by night time she was so tired that she would have another terror. Extreme fatigue can facilitate night terrors as well as not staying on a schedule.  We tried it all and with no avail they continued.

At our last house I have written on her wall a Bible verse that I once again wrote on her wall at this house. 

It was a promise that I was ever so tightly clinging to. 

Last week she awoke at around 11:00 with another mild night terror.  I have learned to just offer what she needs and not try to wake her up or talk her out of them.  This one she wanted to be held but just continued to babble and scream while hitting herself in the leg.  As I held her there a peace came over me.  I started singing "Holy Spirit thou art welcome in this place, Holy Spirit thou art welcome in this place, omnipotent Father of mercy and grace, thou art welcome in this place" in my head.  I began to pray in the Spirit for her and started speaking scripture to my heavenly Father.  The more I prayed the quieter she became and eventually fell asleep in my arms.  I hugged her and kissed her and laid her in her bed.  Little did I know this would be the last night terror she would experience.  She has not had another in over 7 days. Praise God. 

I know you are thinking why did I not try praying before? I did, but I was like Moses in Exodus when he was talking to God.  God told him that he would not continue with them toward  the promised land because the Isrealites were a stiffnecked people.  Then Moses said Lord I can not go without you.  God said okay I will go. However, Moses just knew God would not go with them that he kept on going on and on about God not going with them.  He was so sure God would not agree with him that he missed God saying OK.  (Exodus 33:1-17 paraphrased) I think this was how I was.  I was so sure that God would not hear my prayer that the night terrors continued. This time I just let the Holy Spirit move and let my faith in God pour out. And what do ya know but God answers prayers.  I am so thankful for this little girl getting the much needed sleep she needs. God is so good.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

So how is your garden?

Took a zoo trip today with the family.  Maddax second trip, but first with mommy.  While we were there, walking past the elephants, we heard this annoying sound.  There was a man behind us speaking to his wife in a very loud so nice voice. Chris and I noticed it about the same time and turned to see this "not very not nice", as Makenna calls him, fella.  What was most shoking was not the look of the fella but of his shirt.  He was belittling his wife in public while wearing a shirt that said, "JESUS ROCKS."

"...for a tree is known by his fruit." Matt 12:33   His fruit definitely did not match his shirt.

This got me to thinking.  How is my fruit? 

Last week at church the preacher spoke about this very thing.  He talked about how people are always wanting to grow the "Fruits of the Spirit" but are not preparing their garden for the seeds.  How can we grown the Fruits of the Spirit if our garden is over-grown with weeds.  He went on to say that we can pray all we want for the fruit to love our wife (eg) but if all we are doing is watering the weeds of lust, they will choke out any chance the fruit of love has to grow.  A lightbulb went off. (doesn't happen alot)

I have been praying for more patience and self-control lately, especially with Makenna and homeschooling, but I forgot to weed out my garden first. Dugh!! I have been watering bitterness and self-pity instead of using the power of the Holy Spirit to uproot them.  Yeah at times I pluck them out with a prayer here and there but I have never really dug into the soil and pulled them out by the roots. Why you might ask? It is painful and surely not any fun.  Kinda like weeding the garden in the spring to prepare for flowers.

Now that I realize how to prepare my garden, how can I make my fruit grow to its fullest.

"Every branch that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit."  John 15:2

So now I am going to be pruned!!!! Ahhhhh!!! It makes me think of two things.  First pruning is painful and second reminds me of my mom talking about mums.  She tells me that if I want the fullest (most fruit) flowers from my mums that I have to pinch off their first blooms. Eventhough the first blooms are pretty I have to pluck it bare to reap the greatest benefit. The flower must go through a time of "ugliness" to reach its fullest potential.  Just like us.  Some of the pruning God will allow us to go through is down right ugly and painful but the rewards of our fruit are beyond what we could ever imagine. 

So what am I getting to. 

First we are to be know by are fruits and we should want to be bountiful.
Second when we do this "...by this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit..." John 15:8

Isn't that why we are here? Isa 43:7 "Everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made."

I do not know about you but I want to glorify my maker by a bountiful harvest of the Fruits of the Spirit in my life.  On top of that I want to show my daughter and son, by example not by words, the life that glorifies the Lord.  And I want to be able to explain to them that mommy is far, way way way (did I say way?) far, from perfect but through the power of pruning she shows "...love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." Gal 5:22

So...How is your garden?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

An Unasked Answered Prayer

My Makenna loves her cousins Callie and Chloe  so much.  She always wants to be doing everything they are whether is is American Dolls (she has a fake one from the trift store and has no clue), playing Calico Critters (which she says in a British accent, do not know why), or Irish dancing (she is pretty good for not having any real lessons, watch out River Dance).  About a month or so ago we went to Callie and Chloe's piano recital.  Makenna was so excited.  At that time she had seen Callie and Chloe play at home but this was the big thing and they wore pretty dresses, according to Makenna. When we came home Makenna spent the next week pretending to perform in her very own piano recital with Maddaxs play piano.  She would play a bit, then stand up and take a bow.  Very, very cute.  She has since perfected the bow from practicing it so much.

Chris and I started talking about the possibility putting her into piano lessons when she is 5.  That is the age that Callie and Chloes teacher begins lessons on the piano.  We have met her and she is a God loving, gifted pianist.  Chris and I have no desire to put her in any orginized sport where she can pick up disobedience.  You cannot be the salt of the Earth till you are salty. So piano was a great way to teach Makenna structure from another individual and add in some social skills as well. However, if you have met my daughter you would know she is far from being socially inept.  Infact at times she is more like the Wal-Mart greeter.

We knew we could nver afford a piano so we decided for Christmas next year we would by her a keyboard.

About a week later I was on Facebook when one of my friends stated she had a Baldwin upright that she was wanting to farm out to a good family.  I told her I was interested depending on the price.  She sent a message back I will never forget.  She said it was ours at no fee but that if we ever wanted to get rid of it could she have first dibs. Chris and I were sold. It is amazing how God new exactly what we needed before we even asked.

Chris and a few of his friends trudged to Elizabethtown yesterday to pick it up.  When they returned with it in hand Makenna was overwhelmed.  She could not stop talking about it or touching it.  She even went as far as to go around and not only say thank you but also individually hug each one of Chris's friends who had helped.  I so love her thankfulness for others.  One of his friends went on to say, "Chris I did not do this for you, I did this for her."

Since God single handedly brought about this piano, I think he must have great plans for Makenna to play it. The Bible says in Psalm 100 to "make a joyful noise unto the Lord..."  I must say she already has that part down.  I pray He keeps her passion burning for playing for Him.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Firearms 101

Before you freak out and call the law on me, my husband is a police officer.

Chris decided to eat dinner with us tonight.  We were excited.  Having daddy home for dinner is a special treat.  He rarely gets to come home on duty to eat because he is so busy being a "sheep dog" (whole other story).  We fixed a baked ham, mashed potatos (real ones), and green beans (Maddax favorite food). Then sat down to indulge.  While eating daddy got a random idea.  Lets teach Makenna about guns. 

I was a little taken aback, but he is a firearms instructor and I figured he new best.  He took the gun apart and unloaded it.  He told her about all the parts and how dangerous it could be.  Then he let her hold it.  Yes, unloaded. Her eyes grew as big a saucers. 

She looked so awkward holding that big ol thing, so he took off his smaller back up weapon, unloaded it and let her hold it.  She liked it much better.

Alfter his lesson was complete he made her tell him everything he had told her about safety. She said, "It is dangerous.  I should never touch it if I see it (which she won't because they are ALWAYS locked up), and that if someone got shot they would have to go to the hospital, the doctor, or even the DENTIST." I chucked inside.  She hates the dentist.  Very long and painful story.

The reason he did all of this was to take away the curiosity of guns.  Now that she is familiar with them she is less likely to be curious if she ever sees one.  On top of that she knows how dangerous they can be and fear can be a very powerful learning tool.  I was in her shoes many, many, many years ago.  My dad did the same to me and I frequented the back yard with him and one of his guns.  I enjoyed spending that time with him and I know one day when Makenna is much, much, much, did I say much, older she will do the same.

This is kinda like sin.  Sometimes the curiosity of sin makes it enticing.  And before you know it the thought of sin gives way to action and there you are knee deep in sin.  But knowing how satan works and being aware of your weaknesses helps to circumvent that enticement and the Holy Spirit will help guide you away from its entrapment.  When all else fails, and sometimes it does, it is good to know that although we may be knee deep in sin we are graciously covered by the blood of Jesus.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

My Savior Lives


Today we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  What an awesome day that brings new life to whoever seeks it.

We spent last night at Aunt Sherries reading Easter books like Miss Pattycakes Resurrection Egg book and The Story of the Easter Egg.   Followed it up with decorating Easter eggs, which Makenna L-O-V-E-D.
Then off to bed. 

Our families try to focus on the real meaning of the holiday while enjoying all the fun activities.  So to find their Easter baskets they had to do a scavenger hunt.  However, the clues were found in the story of the Resurrection. So they got to read and hear the story of  Easter while hunting for their baskets.  We have done this for many years and it never gets old.  The hardest part is coming up with new clues from the same verses of the Bible.  I usually pick the story as told by Luke but maybe next year I will venture to Matthew or John.

Then we all went to church together.  Worshiping together as a family is priceless.  It really bonds our family.  The Word of God never grows old and His promises are always new.

We ended the afternoon with an Easter egg hunt in the backyard.  They hunted eggs filled with money and, you guessed it, organic candy.  Very tastey I might add.  This was Maddax's first Easter egg hunt so he was a little overwhelmed.  Missing his first nap due to church made him a little squirelly.  However, he must have known there was money in them there eggs because he had a very tight grip on his basket.

We hope you also had a great Easter Holiday and no matter how you spent it, that Jesus was glorified.