Saturday, May 15, 2010

Like mother like son

Catching up on laundry from the week, I decide to sit down in the foyer and fold for awhile while Maddax played and Makenna took a bath.  Maddax likes to pull things out of the basket while I fold so when he reached for the dryer sheet it was no surprise.  What he did with the dry sheet was a surprise.  I turned around to see him cleaning the floor with it.  He was mimicking me cleaning the floor with cleaning wipes.  Too cute.  I hope when he gets married one day he will be as good as his daddy and help his wife clean house.


  1. That is soooo sweet! I wish I could get my boys to do that!!

  2. How cute! This is why it is so very important that we set good examples for our children. Always being careful to speek and do those things that we want them to copy. When our children are little they are little copies of us which is good if we are copiers of our Father in heaven. We are their first impression of God. Mom
