Wednesday, April 7, 2010

An Unasked Answered Prayer

My Makenna loves her cousins Callie and Chloe  so much.  She always wants to be doing everything they are whether is is American Dolls (she has a fake one from the trift store and has no clue), playing Calico Critters (which she says in a British accent, do not know why), or Irish dancing (she is pretty good for not having any real lessons, watch out River Dance).  About a month or so ago we went to Callie and Chloe's piano recital.  Makenna was so excited.  At that time she had seen Callie and Chloe play at home but this was the big thing and they wore pretty dresses, according to Makenna. When we came home Makenna spent the next week pretending to perform in her very own piano recital with Maddaxs play piano.  She would play a bit, then stand up and take a bow.  Very, very cute.  She has since perfected the bow from practicing it so much.

Chris and I started talking about the possibility putting her into piano lessons when she is 5.  That is the age that Callie and Chloes teacher begins lessons on the piano.  We have met her and she is a God loving, gifted pianist.  Chris and I have no desire to put her in any orginized sport where she can pick up disobedience.  You cannot be the salt of the Earth till you are salty. So piano was a great way to teach Makenna structure from another individual and add in some social skills as well. However, if you have met my daughter you would know she is far from being socially inept.  Infact at times she is more like the Wal-Mart greeter.

We knew we could nver afford a piano so we decided for Christmas next year we would by her a keyboard.

About a week later I was on Facebook when one of my friends stated she had a Baldwin upright that she was wanting to farm out to a good family.  I told her I was interested depending on the price.  She sent a message back I will never forget.  She said it was ours at no fee but that if we ever wanted to get rid of it could she have first dibs. Chris and I were sold. It is amazing how God new exactly what we needed before we even asked.

Chris and a few of his friends trudged to Elizabethtown yesterday to pick it up.  When they returned with it in hand Makenna was overwhelmed.  She could not stop talking about it or touching it.  She even went as far as to go around and not only say thank you but also individually hug each one of Chris's friends who had helped.  I so love her thankfulness for others.  One of his friends went on to say, "Chris I did not do this for you, I did this for her."

Since God single handedly brought about this piano, I think he must have great plans for Makenna to play it. The Bible says in Psalm 100 to "make a joyful noise unto the Lord..."  I must say she already has that part down.  I pray He keeps her passion burning for playing for Him.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you God for fulfilling this unspoken request and thank you Lesley for your part in all this. It is amazing how God knows exactly what we need even before we know there is a need. But why shouldn't He, He is our Father who knew us before we were even born. If we as mortals could only realize his awsome power, what a relationship we could have with him.
