Thursday, February 25, 2010

Cooking 101

Is it too early? Never too early. I am trying to plant seeds in to Makenna to be a good homemaker. She loves to cook so why not facilitate what she likes while she likes it instead of trying to teach her when she is older and not interested.

I was making a lasagna tonight and she begged to help. I told her to pull up a chair. She climbed up in the chair wearing the latest cooking attire, complements of Chloe her cousin, and was ready to offer a hand. I let her spread the meat in the bottom of the pan, though at first more landed on me and the wall than the pan. After a few refining techniques she succeeded in covering the bottom of the pan.

Makenna was also being a teacher as well. Can you see Maggie (Little People) watching her as she spread the meat mixture. Makenna gave her the play by play as she completed this delicate task. Maggie was a very good listener but we all agreed she was too young to help.
Next was the noodles but I did that part independently. Makenna tried but the noodles kept ripping them and eating them. So for fear that I would have to fix more I took over. She finished with the cheese. She was an expert cheese spreader. I was so proud of her attention to detail to make sure all the lasagna was covered evenly.
I hope I can teach her a love to cook, from scratch, for her family. But until then, for us now with help and on her own when she is older. I know it would be easier to do it on my own but then she will never learn and her poor husband may starve. Plus I love spending time with her and enjoying her company while completing tasks that have to be done. Here is to planting another seed.
"...that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed." Titus2:4-5 (emphasis added)

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