Happy Birthday Maddax

Well I new this day would come. It is so bittersweet. My little man, Maddax Christopher, is 1 year old. SOB SOB SOB.
I decided to do something special for him. Make his birthday cake from scratch. Yes. You heard it right, from scratch. Googled cake recipes from scratch and found one I liked which required no oil. Oil=Bad. Then proceeded to google icing without Crisco which was...HOPELESS. So against my organic will I succumbed to Crisco icing. AGHHHH.
I woke up Kenna early from her nap to help me make the cake. As you may already know from previous blogs, she loves to help cook. First step was to cream the sugar with the room temperature butter. Okay, this room temperature butter was not soft despite sitting out for 3 hours. So Kenna and I put our heads together and placed in front of the space heater to soften the rest of the way. Eureka, it worked. We followed the rest of the directions and after a little flour on the floor and some egg on the counter it was put to rest in the oven.
I decided to wait till the kids had gone to bed to icing the cake because I knew I alone would make a huge mess so their help would have been "icing on the cake." And of course I did, but it was well worth it.
Daddy was off work yesterday so we decided to have his get together last night so daddy could join us. Aunt Sherrie, Uncle Jamie, Granny, Chase, Callie, Chloe and Mr. Uncle Flynn came to celebrate. I hesitate to call it a party because I do not want my kids getting wrapped up in a party for "stuff". I think birthdays are more about family getting together to celebrate your life. Anyway. We got Graters Black Raspberry Chip Ice Cream (on a side note it is the only ice cream I know of that the only thing artificial is the green dye in the mint chip), Pizza, and CAKE!!!!
Maddax opened up his gifts. My nieces and nephew love his Incrediblock more than he did. And my sister, God love her, bought Maddax the new version of the ball popper. You know the one that sound like popcorn when you push it. This one does that and makes the sound of a lawn mower. Maddax loves it. I told Sherrie it will be traveling to her house now every Friday. Hee Hee.
Everyone gobbled up the pizza, except Mr. Uncle Flynn or should I say Mr. P90X. Then cake and ice cream followed. We sag Happy Birthday and dived into the yummy's. Maddax liked the cake but was not at all fond of the icing. Kind of reminded me of my brother. Jeff cannot stand lotion which is how Maddax looked when his hand were covered with icing. I truly did not mind him not chowing down on the partially hydrogenated oil. I just wanted it to look good for the camera. (future scrapbook page)
Little man had a long day and and bed time was much overdue. I gave him his lovey and pacy and rocked him awhile. I wanted to recite the words to the book about the boy whose momma climbed in the window to rock him at night even after he was married but only could recall, "I will love you for always...As long as I'm living my baby you will be." He looked at me and smiled around his pacy. Thank you Lord for this most precious gift you have given me. I was the last one to kiss his little face as an infant.
"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward."
Psalm 127:3
Happy Birthday Maddax! You have such a wonderful family. I know one day you will realize how blessed you are.
ReplyDeleteWOW Melissa! Great job on the cake. Like Mother like daughter.