Well my little man will soon be turning one and it is about time for his first haircut, or so I thought. Come to find out Chris had trimmed his hair on two prior occasions without my consent or camera. Needless to say a got a good sound lashing but since I never really noticed a change in his hair I figured he was a good barber. Chris cuts his hair once a week and besides the neck trim, which I complete, he is pretty competent.
Camera, check. Kid trapped in Bumbo seat, check. Bib on backwards to double as a hair catcher, check. So Chris began to snip while I began to snap (the camera).
Take II.
I told Chris to get the clippers. You would have thought I was the expert hair cutter. It was all bad. I guess Chris was used to trimming his hair by looking in a mirror not from standing behind the head itself. I took over and worked my magic. After a refresher course, Chris was returned the clippers to finish so that could take more pics.
When it was all said and done my little man was now an adorable prince ready for BOOT CAMP. I guess we will stick with the high and tight, for now.
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