Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's day just gets better every year. Now I have three beautiful babies to help me celebrate this day and one wonderful husband. Chris had to work Derby security that morning for some big to do party, so we did not get to see him till after nap times.  Makenna kept telling me daddy was taking me out to eat. I asked her where and she said "Marks Field." Which means "Marks feed store." I was glad. I love, love, love fried pickles. No I am not pregnant again. I found out later that Makenna chose the dining location. She loves their PBand J minus the J. Strange child does not like jelly. We had a good dinner together. The poor family behind us in the booth had two children about 6 and 3 and both of them spilt their water, all their water, while we were there. Chris said, "Man I thought we had it rough going out with 3." It is a little hard to dine out with three small children but we have learned to let the little things roll off our backs and just enjoy our time together. The biggest problem is that Miss Emme is not fond of her car seat, so most meals out include either Chris or I holding her. I do not mind, I know it is only for a season. One day I will wish I was able to hold her during a meal again, so I might as well enjoy it now. Right?

Chris had planned on a trip to Lowe's but that was usurped by my headache, so we came home and just hung out. As I have mentioned before, Emme likes to be talked to but likes it most when it is her daddy.

She will sit and listen or even carry on  a conversation for 10-15 minutes with him. She sure does love her daddy. We all do. He is a great daddy.

Last week we were having cabin fever because of the rain so I went and got out Emme's bathing suit to see if it would fit her. I was hankering for some sun and water activities. It fit but not sure how long. She looks so ready for summer. I hope she enjoys the water as much as her siblings.

After trying on the bathing suit and posing for the camera, Emme and Makenna were playing in the floor. I think Emme wants to do gymnastics. She seems to be practicing her back bend.

It was a great Mother's day. The best part was spending it all together.  I only wish that my mom was here to celebrate it too. Oh well have to do some extra trips to Graters to celebrate all the holidays since her last visit when she comes in to visit next month.

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